“the finest the most stylish = BMW”
“The nicest car I have ever owned!”
“love my bmw.!
2) Audi
“AUDI R8!”
“Audi rulz”
3) Lamborghini
“Gallardo is the best!”

4) Mercedes
“A brand spending millions every day to make studies and tests to improve performance,
and above all, safety. Best cars with love from Germany!
5) Porsche
“The best cars in the universe!
Completly premium German quality.
Nobody is in it’s way”
6) Honda
“Honda was innovating when the Big 3 American Auto makers were whining about not being able to make the EPA standards in time. Honda redesigned the engine instead of attaching multiple add-on to the engine. So far Ford is the only who is getting it, and getting it right and gaining fast on the Japanese auto makers.
7) Volvo
8) Ferrari
“il cavallino rampante simply rocks
9) Dodge
“I go with American, usually.
10) Cadillac