2. When you are going to use the paint again, pour off the water and transfer the colors back to your palette. Your palette knife will facilitate the handling of the paint.
3. There is a clip-on gadget sold in five-and-ten-cent stores for use in the kitchen to hold knives and such equipment. It can be fastened to the side of your taboret or work table and makes a convenient place to keep your brushes and palette knife.

4. If you are using a compressed-This is a collection of oil painting tips, tricks, techniques and secrets you can use whenever you hit a dead end. Keep them handy (bookmark this page) for your easy reference.
5. There is a clip-on gadget sold in five-and-ten-cent stores for use in the kitchen to hold knives and such equipment. It can be fastened to the side of your taboret or work table and makes a convenient place to keep your brushes and palette knife.

6. If you use a compressed-fiber board you can produce your own texture when preparing the board for handmade oil painting.
7. After the usual sandpapering to roughen the surface, give it a coat of white lead and allow it to dry.
8. Apply a second coat, but instead of brushing smoothly, pounce the paint with a stiff bristle brush.