In the projector market long subject . Education projection market has become increasingly saturated backdrop, general projection manufacturers in after the Olympics began to seek from other markets retrieve confidence. Then, all kinds of hd, entertainment level household projection and affordable, mainstream, high-end engineering products has been pushed to the consumer before, but these markets ultimately is still in its early stages and took home projection, for instance, many families even house without problems to solve, more is mortgage overwhelmed, which also imcapable afford high-end projection?
And truly can compete with the only business education market projection. Business projection of consumption subject is the enterprise, although by the influence of the financial crisis, many enterprises have to wasting conduct; optional projection still are necessary. Because, with education and government procurement, etc compared to present more dispersed, business market of individualized trend.

According to relevant state departments about the small and medium-sized enterprise development report of statistics, nowadays, all smes nearly 40 million households, the quantity is enormous. But the present these small and medium-sized enterprises, demonstration equipment lack penetration rate 2%, say so, China's vast enterprise, the prevalence rate of projector products or very low. In other words, people on the potential demand of the business projector products is very great.
In addition, the crisis in some extent and opportunity is a challenge, if all kinds of enterprises can seize this opportunity, reasonable structure, the integration of resources in the enterprise operation mode on some more floriferous idea, smoothly tiding over this period of crisis, even in crisis after obtained new, this also is not impossible things.
Business projection also became this period integration enterprise operation mode, improve business negotiation, training environment an important measure, using well, thousands of dollars for the general enterprises projector products can bring intent is less than the effect. Say so, even in the global financial crisis raging environment, purchasing main expressement enterprise itself business projection that affected is smaller, and pico projector will be a main stream.