There are several make and model of automobile market, including DVD player as standard equipment. Many of them include multiple screen, allow passengers to be entertained independently of each other. Magnetic gone are the days, poker game and other forms of interactive tourist entertainment. For those who still long for this kind of interaction, LCD screen can be used to play video games when DVD get boring. Satellite TV is more and more popular at home and in the road. Multiple headphone jacks allow passengers at the same time to listen to the same program or different applications, if they choose

In dash DVD player which does include in sprint screen allows screen act as virtual instrument panel or GPS navigation tools. This makes them especially suitable for driver watching a movie since a car while managing usually not a good idea. Dash - arrows liquid crystal display (LCD) screen in conjunction with backup camera to help those who do not understand the mirror of work. In sprint screen is convenient, the driver front-seat passengers on long trips so for entertainment, weather update and driving directions when not on the road.
Because in sprint DVD player can largely attributed to put forward the LCD world. LCD applied to almost all cars entertainment system. They also used throughout the world at home entertainment systems, computer and thousands of other appliances and application. LCD relatively most key of a new technology, the only recently has three decades. Scientists have discovered the specific liquid crystal nature in more than a century ago, but they can't imagine a practical application.
It wasn't until the 1970s, when a phenomenon known as the distorted rotatory field effect was found, people discussing LCD real world USES. The discovery and development LCD phenomenon be allowed to use the very small external energy. Before this discovery, scientists had been able to control crystals in a certain extent, but not enough to use effective utilization. LCDS used in automobile Honda City DVD player and other devices are still rely on distorted crystal effect. Shortly after the spin found today, a Japanese company introduces the world's first liquid quartz watches and industry was born.