
How Has the Automobile Changed History

Even though the automobile was being made in Europe & The united states in the late 1800's, it wasn't until the beginning of the 20th century that they came in to their own.
In 1895 in the US there were 300 cars manufactured. ten years later there were 78,000, then 459,000 in 1910 & 1.7million by 1914. The popularity of the automobile didn't cease & has continued to grow ever since.
Today the automobile is an essential part of every day life.

In 1914 Henry Ford revolutionized the whole manufacturing method by generating the continuous, moving assembly line.
The Henry Ford assembly line system, meant that each worker had a standardized job in one place, in lieu of moving around performing different tasks. This increased the safety factor & led to more output per worker.
Ford reduced the working day from 9 hours to 8 hours, so that they could operate 3 shifts per day.
They increased wages to very double that of other manufacturers & created a plan to profit share along with his workers.
These innovations increased production dramatically & reduced costs, making automobiles more affordable to the general public.
It also made Ford something of a celebrity & other industries soon adopted his methods.
The assembly line was here to stay.
In the 19th century the railway had a great impact on peoples lives, transporting people & goods. The automobile was the innovation of the 20th century. It had a large impact on the way people worked & lived.
In the work of the 1910 to early 1920s period, new, large scale productuction methods increased affordability & more Americans could own cars. In 1914 a factory worker could buy a Model T Ford with three months pay. The Model T became popular because it was affordable, simple to operate & to maintain. Automobiles were no longer a toy for the rich.
For the first time, people could go where-ever they wanted, whenever they wanted. People became fascinated by this idea, & this had far reaching effects for society. A network of national highways were built & fuel stations popped up along them.People could now select to live further away from their workplace.Suburbia began to spread & lots of other industries began to flourish using the assembly line system. As now has car electronics like parking sensor kits , car rear view camera Suddenly the , and so on, the world had become a much smaller place.

