
5 Tips for Cleaning a Handmade Oil Painting

1. Adjust the easel
Adjust your easel so you can easily touch that your handmade oil painting tip surface toes - bend or stand aside. Hold your brush behind or behind the expansion set of silver part (it). You will stand in several hours, so make sure you won't be nervous. Standing than sitting, but if you want to sit, paint at arm's length from the easel.

2. Secure the edges with masking tape
Secure the edges with masking tape to keep it from bunching up or blowing away. Your work area will stand in complete cloth, so make sure you have covered the enough regions which has plenty of elbow room. If you plan on a table and a table below the layer, cover it with your table.

3. Leave enough room
Have enough room for your palette, palette knife, brushes and solvent and solvent/oil containers, rags and paint tubes to be comfortably displayed, readily available for you to use.

4. Choose a good place to work
Choose a place to work where there is good ventilation--a window or door can be opened, or good ventilation can be turned on, and/or you have a fairly open space where air can circulate and move around. If you paint outside, remember that you will need to set up securely so the wind won't blow things over. Note that insects, especially bees, love Citrus Thinner.

5. Put the lid on the thinner container
Put the lid on the thinner container and leave it until next time, regardless of how cloudy it is. When the thinner settles, the pigment in the paint goes to the bottom, and clean thinner settles on top. The next time you would like to paint, you can pour the clean thinner into a clean holder, clean the pigment from the bottom, then pour the thinner back into your thinner container, ready to go. (This process will save a lot of money for you!)

